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Special Offers

Welcome to our special offers section. Here you will find a selection of special offer products from each of our departments, as well as a list of featured products which can be seen below. Click a category to filter all of our reduced products, and visit us in store for exclusive offers and discounts. Seen a product elsewhere and want it? Give our helpful team a call and we'll see what we can do.

Special Offers This Month

£1 395.00
You Save: £400.00
Elegant and glamorous and reduced to clear

Lebus Paris Corner Suite

Stainfree carpet suitable for all areas of the home

Stainfree Rustique Witch Hazel Carpet

Includes two door wardrobe with chest and bedside

3 Piece Bedroom Set in Beech

Includes two door wardrobe with chest and bedside

3 Piece Sorrento Bedroom Set in Grey

Unbelievable value 5ft divan set with 2 drawers

5ft Verona 1500 Divan with 2 Drawers Package

£1 295.00
You Save: £300.00
Oppulent yet modern statement sofa reduced to clear

Alstons Artemis Grand Sofa

2 drawer divan set with headboard and pocket mattress

4ft 6 Chatham 1000 Pocket Divan Set and Headboard

£1 295.00
Stylish and affordable with a contemporary touch

Lebus Ashley Corner Group

Stainfree carpet suitable for all areas of the home

Stainfree Rustique Walnut Carpet

£1 595.00
Contemporary designed suite and footstool

Buoyant Atlantis Corner Sofa

Mattress divan set with matching headboard and base

4ft 6 Beautysleep Balmoral Ortho Divan Package Deal

Clearance deal

Lebus Ashley Fabric High Back 3 Seater Sofa